Please join us this Saturday, noon to 8PM for Africanival Virtual Fest online stream with 20 community leaders sharing their works, culture, and community initiatives, join the Jerusalema dance challenge at 4 locations, enjoy live music, and or visit one of 40 businesses in Edmonton and Calgary on showcase.
You can also follow everything on livestream on Africanival Facebook Page or on the website,
Have a fantastic weekend and stay tuned to Diversity Magazine on all platforms!
Katy was a good student but could not find an internship position in her field of studies. She told a friend who recommended her to a local business in her area of expertise. Fast forward to today, she’s not only working in her field of expertise but has risen to the rank of a manager. Sweet! This local business has been supported by you to be able to help local girl, Katy, pay taxes, and sponsor local events in your community.
A Dollar spent in your community goes as far as coming back to support you. If spent on a local business, they will pay taxes that is invested in community infrastructure, hire your family, and friends, and sponsor some of your local events. Buying local is an important foundation decision of any shopper. There are things that you could do to support any local business. Shop at these businesses and or use their services. Give them a good review on all their platforms. Share their website and social media pages. Refer them to your family and friends. Go to their events.